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Showing posts from July, 2018

Now What?

We left off at "start from the very beginning." "So, now what do I do, Miele?" Well, that depends on what you want to do. Do you want to keep a digital record or do you prefer keeping this all on paper in a binder. ( likely want to go digital.) Easiest thing to do is to go to or to and take a look at what each has to offer.  Let's talk websites, shall we? is probably the main genealogical website you've heard of. They're the largest and best advertised one out there. They're international--Ancestry mirror sites exist in Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Australia...etc, each highlighting information specific to those nations. You can begin a family tree for free on Ancestry. Which is a great way to begin. BUT (as I mentioned in a previous post) in order to actually research your family and connect the records you find to your family tree, you have to pay up. And it isn't cheap.  ...